Sample GNN Stories
Watch videos below:
1. Man Arrested For Trying To Open His Own Bank
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2. Hunter Lost In Wilderness, Saved By His Moustache
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3. College Professor Fired For Casually Removing His Spine
Teaser | Story
4. Tap Dancing For The Criminally Insane
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5. Man Removes Own Appendix, Using Beer As Anesthetic
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6. Smithsonian Reports George Washington Wore Wooden Pants
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Like what you’ve heard so far?
You haven’t heard anything yet! Jeffrey Gurian’s mind is an infinite vortex of comedic genius. This is what is in store for your listeners in the future.
Future GNN Stories
1. Man With Infant’s Head Sues For Discrimination
2. Elderly Man Tours Europe On Pogo Stick
3. Man Robs Bank With His Chin
4. Man Develops Turtle Shell
5. Man Paint Replica of the Cistine Chapel With His Beard
6. Allergic Archaeologist Blows His Nose In Priceless Tissue
7. Ancient Egyptians Did Their Own Dry Cleaning
8. Top Model Has All Abdominal Organs Removed For Thinner Look
9. Comedian Kills Half His Elderly Audience With Great Joke
10. Canadian Repairman Wakes Up With French Accent
11. Man Killed For Giving Girlfriend A Snail Instead Of An Engagement Ring
12. Pres. Bush Feared To Have Alter-Ego
13. Man In Wyoming Builds Family A Nest
14. The Whispering Village Of Turkmenistan ( Where No One Speaks Above A Whisper, and Everyone Lives To Be Over A Hundred!)

Now you can get all these stories and more in the book “Man Robs Bank With His Chin – And Other Unusual Stories Missed By Mainstream Media”! Available on Amazon as an e-book and a paperback!