I remember back in 2013 when I was invited to attend an episode of MTV’s Nikki and Sara Live, a weekly late-night comedy program featuring the latest news in pop culture, co-hosted by Nikki Glaser and Sara Schaefer. It ran for two seasons. I don’t think Nikki could have guessed that 13 years later she’d be hosting the Golden Globes, one of the most prestigious award shows on TV.

After her amazing performance at the Tom Brady Roast, which I wrote about in my last column, it was announced that Nikki would be hosting the 82nd Golden Globes on Jan. 5th, 2025. I got excited just hearing that news, and sent her congratulations right away. She wrote back to me and not only thanked me for the write-up, but she commented on how accurate I was in what I wrote, because there’s often “so much misinformation out there.”
And she wished me a very happy 25th anniversary for 25 years doing this column, which I didn’t even realize until Seth Herzog told me he was celebrating 20 years of his show Sweet, and it made me remember that I started Comedy Matters in 1999. Twenty-five years goes by pretty fast!
Well she totally crushed her hosting gig at The Globes and I’m willing to bet they ask her back next year. Aside from looking amazing in many glamorous outfits which you’ll see below, her opening monologue was just so funny. Every joke killed, starting with referring to it as ” Ozempic’s biggest night”, and saying she looks out in the audience at some of the hardest working actors in show business, “and by that I mean your servers!!!” ( Huge laugh!)
But more importantly the audience loved her, and that’s not an easy task. People have tried comedy before in that gig, and it’s not easy performing to such big stars. Big stars don’t often laugh but Nikki brought the right energy and made them laugh hard! And again it didn’t hurt that she looked so glamorous. She was one of them. It’s easier to take jokes about yourself by one of your own!

It makes me feel good to see people reaching the heights they deserve. Besides covering Nikki and Sara, I recall also covering her performance in an all female comedy show with Rachel Feinstein, Amy Schumer and Marina Franklin. I went with the late Richie Tienken, owner and founder of The Comic Strip.
Nikki’s stand-up special “Someday You’ll Die”, which was on pace to be the the top streaming special ever on MAX, was up for an award which she wound up presenting to Ali Wong for her special “Single Lady” by way of presenter Nate Bargatze who had the highest grossing comedy tour last year bringing in over 86 MILLION DOLLARS!!! That’s crazy!!! And a lot of jokes and hard work too!!! Nate was my personal guest on Sirius XM radio back in 2014 when I was on air with Ron Bennington and Fez Whatley on the Ron and Fez Show.

I didn’t know what to expect when I went to see “All In: Comedy About Love” by Simon Rich and directed by Alex Timbers who not only also directed Nick Kroll and John Mulaney’s hit show ” Oh, Hello”, which is where I first met him, but also directed “Alex Edelman: Just for Us” in 2024, and two of John Mulaney’s specials, “Kid Gorgeous” at Radio City in 2018, and “Baby J” in 2023, among several other important shows. Alex is the man!

All In is one of the hottest shows on Broadway right now in a limited run at the Hudson Theater on West 44th Street. With an all-star revoving cast that changes periodically it started out with John Mulaney, Fred Armisen, Richard Kind and Chloe Fineman from SNL. Jimmy Fallon’s coming on board Jan. 28th thru Feb. 2nd and Nick Kroll started on Jan. 14th and will be there thru Feb. 2nd.
The night I attended with Ms. Multiverse/model/reality star Stephanie Almeida, it was Nick, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Andrew Rannells, and Aidy Bryant and I have to say that Simon RIch is a comedic genius! It was nothing like I expected. There were four chairs set up on the stage and the actors came out to music, holding bound scripts, and acted out absurdist stories that were so funny that Simon Rich gained a new fan, namely ME!!! Very few people do absurdist humor which is my favorite kind of humor. Monty Python fans would absolutely LOVE this show!
My love for absurdism is what led me to create GNN, Gurian News Network, featured on Kroll Show in the “Too Much Tuna” sketch, whose logo is ” All The News That’s Fit To Dance To”. It also led to the book “Man Robs Bank With His Chin – And Other Unusual Stories Missed By Mainstream Media.”
The book actually sports cover blurbs from the late Richard Lewis of Curb fame, Colin Jost from SNL, and Nick Kroll himself who wrote ” Jeffrey Gurian asked me for a blurb for his book, … and this is it!” And a foreword by Scott Dikkers the creator of The Onion!!!

The stories in “All In” are hard to explain, as is true with most absurdist comedy, but I’ll try my best. One was of a 2 year old boy talking to his baby sister who was less than a year old and didn’t speak yet, lying in a nearby bassinet who lost her beloved stuffed animal. They came to the conclusion that “Nana couldn’t be trusted, because she tried to pawn off a different stuffed animal than the one she lost, telling her it was the original” and that Dada and Mama were supposed to be in charge anyway. not Nana.
Another story involved two pirates in a dialogue, which was Nick and Andrew Rannells, where almost every sentence started with ” Aaargh” the sound that all pirates are known for making! (LOL) I was wondering if speaking like that could hurt Nick’s voice, but he told me afterwards it was nothing. I think his voice-over work, doing over 75 character voices in his hit Netflix show Big Mouth certainly helped with that. Big Mouth is going into it’s 8th and final season!
Nick is definitely one of the most multi-talented comedy performers on the scene today, as he showed in a story about Death ( Nick) coming to a talent manager’s door, to take the man to meet his maker, in a story called “New Client”, but instead the talent manager played by Andrew Rannells charms death into becoming a client by complimenting his presence and his voice. Nick plays it perfectly.
When the audience cleared out, we got to congratulate Nick in the Ambassador Lounge, where he greeted a bunch of friends, family and his team. I asked him how much rehearsal time he had, and he said “Three days!” He developed all those characters in just three days! Nick is so talented and always so gracious! The show ended with a well-deserved standing ovation!
And as a final treat for the audience, after the show ended Nick came out as The Grim Reaper!

Kareem Rahma is a creative genius! He comes up with such unique ideas and makes them a phenomenon on social media. First was his show “Keep The Meter Running” where he’d get into a taxi and ask the driver to take him to the driver’s favorite place, and leave the meter running while they spend time together. The show was a big winner with 8.2 million views on TikTok and over 400K followers on Instagram. I’m sure it cost him a small fortune!

I first met Kareem through NY social media legend New York Nico, who is a phenomenon himself with 1.5 MILLION followers on IG, and 1.6 MILLION followers on TikTok. Both really great guys and I first met Nico when he texted me out of the blue and just said ” Dude you’re hilarious!” We started corresponding and he invited me to the Tribeca Film festival premiere of his film ” Out of Order” starring Kareem, who played a character in search of a bathroom in NYC.
Nico recently released his first book, “New York Nico’s Guide to NYC”, and I was there for the book signing where I picked up as many books as I could get!

Anyway I haven’t been on the subway since 2019, pre-pandemic because I’m not a big fan of being stabbed or set on fire, but when Kareem invited me to do an episode of Subway Takes, I couldn’t say no! And I’m so glad I didn’t. The concept is that Kareem asks you what your “take ” is on a particular topic of your choice, and he tells you whether he’s on board with you or not in a spirited discussion, while riding on the subway to no particular destination!
It was a hoot, … to use an expression from 1810, … and my take was, ” If someone hands you their phone and asks you to take a photo of them with someone important to them, and you know you take horrible pix, just say “No” and let someone else do it, rather than ruining what might be a once-in-a lifetime opportunity. Kareem agreed and as of today it’s got over 730K views on Instagram! Some people think they suddenly turn into Steven Spielberg and start crouching down low or shooting very high instead of just holding the phone straight and taking the photo! Easy! Full video on my IG page @jeffreygurian

The 92Y consistently gets top talent in comedy and also in film. I felt privileged to attend an evening where Scarlett Johansson interviewed 95 year old Academy award nominated actress June Squibb with a screening of the film that June starred in, her first starring role in a 70 year career. A film called Thelma!

In Thelma, June plays a 91 year old grandma who was scammed out of $10,000. and instead of taking it as a loss, she decides to track down the scammer and get her money back. It takes her on a journey across LA in a stolen motorized wheelchair! It’s based on a true story and I don’t want to give away the ending except to say that you’ll absolutely LOVE this film.
Scarlett will be directing June in her directorial debut in the upcoming film Eleanor The Great, about a 90-year-old Floridian woman who strikes up an unlikely friendship with a 19-year-old student in New York City. They had a great rapport on stage, and it was a charming evening. June did not come across as a 95 year old and it was very inspiring to see how energetic she was, and what great energy she brought to the evening. She had a wonderful sense of humor!
Scarlett of course was great and I was hoping to see her husband Colin Jost, but if he was there I didn’t see him! After the interview they screened the film and the audience loved it! Then Scarlett escorted June off the stage to thunderous applause.
Seth Herzog is a force! Every show he books has such interesting talent. His most recent show at Michael Ginsberg’s Chelsea Music Hall, which is a great space btw, featured co-host Alex Moffat, and guest performers T.J.Miller, Iris Bahr, and Michael Cruz Kayne who did such a unique performance and the kind of thing that inspires me to write about it. It’s very rare to have a unique delivery and comedic point of view and Michael has both.
At one of his shows, I even got to meet Matt Friend the amazing comic/impressionist with almost 1 MILLION followers on IG who actually does his impressions to the stars he’s imitating which takes more courage than I can imagine. In one recent post he did Nick Cage to his face, Liev Schreiber, Paul Giammatti, Jeff Goldblum, Obama, and he even sang with Michael Buble, and sang great! Truly amazing!!!

These are two things that don’t sound like they should go together because you have to be a little crazy to go into comedy in the first place! That being said comedian Robert Punchur, who has a background in psychology and is the COO of Very Good Comedy, hosted a show called Live, Laugh and Learn at The Grisly Pear midtown, in conjunction with Brad Richards who is a psychiatric and behavioral interventionist and court-appointed care manager, and I was honored to be the Keynote Speaker on the importance of comedy in helping to restore people to mental health!
I had recently hosted an event for NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness so I was psyched to do this, plus perform in the comedy show that followed along with Marion Grodin, Aric Grooms, Daniel Laitman, and Steve Cohen all of whom opened up and shared honestly about their battles with different forms of mental and emotional challenges. Many mental health professionalS from all over the country attended including Tom Parker and Michael Groat from The Lindner Center of Hope in Ohio! It was a very successful event!
Made sure to stop by one of Tracey Carnazzo’s shows at Sid Gold’s Request Room on West 26th Street, a very intimate but fun space. Tracey always has good shows and is so funny, and I also got to see Gastor Almonte who was really great and very original in his humor and delivery. Always so glad to see someone who’s been around but new to me!

Jimmy Failla is one of the hardest working men in comedy. I love his story starting out as a taxi driver and winding up as regular with his own show on FOX TV. FOX Nation sent a crew up to Rodney’s to film the premiere of JImmy Failla’s new show “Failla and Friends” and I came to support cause Jimmy’s shows are guaranteed to be good, espcecially with the line-up he had.
It was reliable heavy-hitters GIna Brillon, Charles McBee and Ryan Reiss, all of whom probably hosted at Gotham Comedy Club as much as Jimmy did. Walking into the green room when it’s all your old friends is always fun, and it was a great night that was taped for TV! Can’t wait till the next one!!!

And I was back at Rodney’s on Dec. 29th to perform in Geno Bisconte’s birthday show, a date we both share! Geno’s another one who always brings the heat and he did!
I would be remiss not to include something about the amazing party that Chris and Steve Mazzilli throw every year, AFTER the holidays. Great food, great music, great people, and it’s something I look forward to every year. So many great comics were there but I was glad I got to tell Rich Aronovich how much I enjoy his crazy dancing videos on Instagarm at @richisfunnny.
I’m envious of the fact that he can dance wildly with abandon in any circumstance, in stores, at the bank, and even in front of the NYPD wearing the most outrageous outfits, and no one blinks an eye. Personally, … I think they’re afraid to look! I had to ask him if he ever warns anyone beforehand, and he doesn’t. He said he tried it a few times and it ruined the energy. I can just watch one after the other and laugh out loud all by myself! Truly amazing, and if you haven’t already seen them you must!!!

Due to popular request I’m bringing back the Comedy Matters Girl of the Month, awarded to a girl in the audience of a comedy show that has the best sense of humor and love for comedy! This month it’s Shu Lan!