National Lampoon Posts GNN Story – Infant Genius Admitted To College
Gurian News Network, (GNN) is committed to bringing you the most unusual stories from around the globe that are missed by mainstream media. They are truly your source for “All The News That’s Fit To Dance To!”, and these stories are posted in National Lampoon, the largest and best known comedy brand on the planet.

Writer/reporter Jeffrey Gurian from GNN brings you “All The News That’s Fit To Dance To”, in this case ” Infant Genius Admitted to College!
In this story, a 10 month old infant named Wiley Marshall from Australia was born with the ability to speak fluent English, and in the delivery room thanked both his parents and the medical team for bringing him into the world, although he did chastise the doctor a little bit for slapping him on the back so hard.
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