Tom Shillue Is A Killer … Host
Tom Shillue is a multi-talented performer. He’s a stand-up comic who often tours with Jim Gaffigan, he’s a TV and radio personality, an author and he sings in a barbershop quartet, and if you don’t believe me just go to You Tube and watch him singing as one of the Rag Time Gals with Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to Justin’s Sexy Back. It’s hilarious! And it’s got over 15 MILLION views!!! Just like MY columns! (LOL)
I’m proud to say that Tom and I go way back. Back to when he was doing small shows with an ensemble group. I always knew he’d do big things. Now he’s got his own show three hours a day on Fox News Radio. I was thrilled to be asked to appear.
I went on with fellow comic and friend Jimmy Failla in the third hour and we had a blast!

Tom had just finished taking calls on “The Wall.” My point if I had been asked to make it, was that you could be the greatest humanitarian in the world, and care with all your heart for everyone, but would you ever leave the front door to your home wide open for just anyone to enter? Our border is the door to America which is our home. You always have to be careful who you let in.
We had to discuss stories from the news like:
- People going crazy while waiting on extremely long lines for salads, because people’s New Year’s resolutions were to lose weight, so salad bars were overrun. People are INSANE! Plus there is an undercurrent of anger in our society today and it’s palpable. Everyone is angry at something!
- Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’s dance video – we all agreed that she was an energetic and spirited dancer which is basically everything you’d want in a representative.
3. Ellen Degeneres facing backlash after defending Kevin Hart – she put him in an awkward situation where he could do nothing else but agree that he’d “evaluate” reprising his role as host of The Oscars. Basically no one wants to host the show and risk their career by possibly offending the group of people sitting at home waiting to be offended by something.
4. The Bachelor contestant who pretended to be Australian by using an Aussie accent- and when asked where she was from replied, ” The accent, it’s Australian” never saying that SHE was Australian, just the accent. I thought she did quite a good job. It’s not that easy to imitate an accent!
5. And one story we didn’t get to was that bathrooms which have been getting lots of press lately, in particular Men’s Rooms, will soon be equipped with changing tables so that Dad’s taking care of their infants won’t have to crouch down and change them on the floor anymore. They will have the same facilities as Ladies’ Rooms, which actually makes sense!
Tom is performing in a series of live shows around the country with Greg Gutfeld former host of “Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld” on the Fox News Channel who Tom replaced back in 2015, and who is one of five co-hosts on the Fox News political talk show The Five.
It’s the Gutfeld Monologues Tour and they will be in Tampa on March 2nd and W. Palm Beach on March 3rd.Tom will be doing some stand-up and then introducing and interviewing Greg, and in some way it kind of reminds me of the kind of shows that Dave Chappelle who does with John Mayer, combining both of their talents.
Tom has a hit book called “Mean Dads For A Better America” and we even got to plug MY two new books, the audio version of my Amazon Best Seller on Happiness “Healing Your Heart, By Changing Your Mind – A Spiritual and Humorous Approach To Achieving Happiness” with great reviews from M.D.’s, psychiatrists, psychologists, and people who run recovery centers,
and my newest book with the comedy lowdown on 13 of our biggest holidays called “Holiday Hilarity- A Humorous History of Celebration” which also recently hit Best Seller status on Amazon, and has fun reviews from international comedy star Gad Elmaleh, Bert Kreischer, Andrew “Dice” Clay, The Lucas Brothers, and even Countess LuAnn from the Real Housewives of New York!