Rocco Ancarola Rocks Lavo
This blog is not only for comedy events but also to cover the NY nightlife scene, which I think everyone agrees, is the hottest scene in the world!
This past Sunday night, nightlife impresario Rocco Ancarola rocked NYC hotspot Lavo, with the first of a regular Sunday night dinner party/party that was reminscent of the wild nights we used to spend at his place called Boom down on Spring Street, back in the day! Rocco didn’t disappoint, with a fantastic, gorgeous crowd, lots of models, and hot music. As is his usual, Rocco got up on the table to dance, and immediately ripped off his jacket, then shirt, and danced bare-chested with one of the gorgeous models.
When I told him I was planning on attending, he told me he’d save me a table and to bring somebody “hot”, cause he knows that’s how we roll! (LOL) I came from 2 other events and got there a little later, but the party was in full swing when I arrived around 11:30, and the place was packed.
So nice to see Jayma Cardoso, and Andrew Goldberg who are also part of Lavo and make it the special place that it is. At least I know where I’ll be on Sunday nights from now on!
For many years Sunday nights were always depressing because you had to go back to school in the morning, and when I was a kid we had to watch a show called “Meet The Press” and prepare some current events thing to talk about in school. You were assigned either local news, national news, or international news, and for some reason I ALWAYS got stuck with international news, which I hated and still do! So invariably I’d try to find a story like , ” A Chinese man lost his wallet”, and try and pass that off as international news.
Now all I have to do is go to Lavo! So much easier!

The producer always gets the best girls. I think her name was Sylvia, and she's from Ecuador. I'll let you know for sure next time!
Posted in: Celeb Photos, Hot Models, Nightlife Events
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